New Biomarker in the Blood May Help Predict Alzheimer’s Disease
This new research is interesting as we've known for some time that the earliest signs of Alzheimer's can be detected up to 25yrs prior to diagnosis and it can lay dormant for most of that time.
This new research, linking earlier onset to higher ceramide levels, gives us the chance to see if lowering ceramides may delay onset.
MAGNESIUM deficiency INCREASES ceramide production.
There are lots of online calculators enabling you to check your diet at least meets the RDA for magnesium for your age/sex.
Magnesium absorption from food/water is less in vitamin D deficient people.
CityAssays Vitamin D Blood Spot test £25 enables you to check if 1000iu/daily/D3 per 25lbs weight raises your vit d3 status to 125nmol/l ~ 50ng/ml the level at which Vitamin D is most effective as an effective anti-inflammatory agent.
Ceramides are potent proinflammatory agents so people with higher vitamin D, magnesium, omega 3 and melatonin levels will be better able to deal with them.
If indeed it turns out to be the case that higher inflammatory ceramides are the driving force for Alzheimer's oneset then maintaining an effective reserve of natural anti inflammatory agents is simply common sense.